My Strong Mind

About us - a summary in english

For schools and organisations

My Strong Mind assist schools and organisations in their aspiration for increased well-being and flourishing on a individual and collective level. We use science based tools and methods from the research field of Positive Psychology and Positive Education to design and implement training programs to foster well-being and resilience.

Network-based company

We offer a variety of courses, from lectures and one-day-workshops to longer educational programs, all mixing theory and practical tools that everyone can understand and use.

My Strong Mind is a network-based company and we adapt our educational teams to the demands and needs of the client. Our partners are scientists, psychologists and educators.

Finnish school-research to Sweden

Right now we are very happy to be able to offer a new Positive Psychology curriculum, Studera Starkt, created by Finnish researchers at Helsinki University and the Public Health Agency of Finland. 

Evidence-based well-being curriculum

Studera Starkt has been tested in several scientific studies showing a positive impact on student wellbeing and resilience. Together with My Strong Mind the curriculum has been adopted to the Swedish school-context. 

You are most welcome to contact My Strong Mind for more information.

Warm greetings, 
Monica Erestam Starck 

Master of Science in  Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology from the University of East London.